XXème siècle

Anne Frank's Diary
Saturday, 20 june 1942

1 - Look at the date. Talk about the context. When is Anne Frank writing this passage ?
2 - Which personal pronoun does she use to talk about herself ?
Which personal pronoun does she use to talk to her diary ?
3 - Anne compares her diary to a ............................... . Justify by quoting from the text:
4 - Do you agree with that comparison?
5 - What information does Anne give about her family ?
- about herself :
- about her mum :
- about the whole family :
6 - Think about Anne’s precoccupations. Is there an evolution in the extract?
7 - Look at the last paragraph.
List all the obligations and interdictions that Jews have to follow.
- Jews must … / Jews are compelled to …
- Jews can’t … / Jews are not allowed to …
8 - Lines 2-3: “Who will be interested in the thoughts of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl?”
Can you reply to Anne as a 2014 student ?
9 - Why did Anne write her diary (your opinion) ?